Game of Throws | № 001 (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 3:53:04 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Fortree City was his kind of place.

It just felt so different from most of the other cities he'd visited in his life. 'Treehouse Town' might have been a bit more apt of a name but a refreshing and cool place to live by any other name was still a refreshing and cool place to live.

The Ren-Faire was the weekend's festivities and although he wasn't quite dressed the part Senon was helpless to the fantasy spirit at play. He'd been drawn to the falconers by instinct only wandering away when he realized he'd rather be one of the falconers than watch them. In the back of his mind he added a Pidgey to his wish list.

The Riolu at his side watching him quite keenly, like a bodyguard watching his employer. "Come Ser Barkley!" He pitched his voice boisterously and with vigor, not being addressed by his actual name the Emanation Pokemon played along if seemingly aloof and focused on his body-guarding. "The ale is flowing and the moon is glowing! AHAHAHA!" He cackled like a madman lost in the moment, off to find a drink, alcoholic or otherwise.

He wasn't sure how or why, but Fortree had really put him in a good mood.

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 8:13:24 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

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mission: ren faire




Ren Faire's in full swing and Adrian is in the thick of it, dressed just for the occasion, though he's hardly there to prove his marksmanship.
Sooner than that, an Unfezant leg and a stiff drink were all he craved, and he knew just where to find them. Or at least he thought he did, having come here... was it almost a year ago, now? What a shame he hadn't come more often. As he's navigating the crowd he comes within earshot of an uncouth man with bold red hair and what he thought were tribal tattoos.[break][break]

Did he just call that Riolu Ser Barkley? Okay, so wherever this guy was headed, was definitely where the alcohol would be, or at least where it had been, if their tone was any indication. He managed to slip through the throng of the crowd, coming within reach of the fiery-haired stranger, reaching out but stopping his hand short to avoid any offense.[break][break]

"Hey, what's your name? Don't worry, I already know his," he jeered towards their Riolu. Somehow he was going to ingratiate himself to this fellow, that they might make the most of Ren Faire together. Somewhere tagging along behind him was a Mudbray which he'd brought to carry any souvenirs or prizes they happen to earn for themselves. "Mine's Adrian, if you're wondering."


Say hello to Destrier (Destroyer) the Mudbray.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 5:46:11 GMT
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a new dynasty by onra


she ran, waving a bird leg in each hand, one behind her to hold the attention of a particularly derpy boltund that would not have been trailing her otherwise. she was dressed as a squire, and the dog had some sort of hat strapped to its head with a long feather sticking out. it bounced in the wind as they tore rudely through a crowd of people, quickly making their way and giving a hop at sénon’s feet as though sticking their landing.

“greetings, lads.” she leaned against her cousin with an elbow, teeth ripping a piece of unfezant off the bone and chewing it. her eyes regarded the stranger appreciatively. “who’s your friend?” utah jabbed sénon lightly with her elbow a couple of times. jax pawed at him and drooled on his hand and then went to greet the riolu with a friendly bark.

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 6:16:56 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"Lord Adrian! Master Archer and Heir to Foxtroth!" He'd made it stammering for comic relief (Mace Tyrell) "I am Sé, of the House Non!" Slapping the man with the bow and arrow on his padded shoulder he mused. "Good on you ser!"

Before long he heard a calling of his name and turned to see the fairest maiden in all the faire; his cousin.

Jūken didn't seem pleased with the extra bodies to guard. If Sénon was to be protected, Utah was to be protected. But where his trainer was a katana mostly straight with only the slightest curve for efficiency. Utah was a nunchaku, dangerous to everyone around and hard to control let alone predict.

With a sigh he reassessed his task for the evening. At the very least warmed by the fact that Sénon, Utah and even the new human were all in good spirits; their aura's were hard to misinterpret; they were having a good time.

When Utah neared Sénon crouched down to rustle the drooling jowls of her poochy pokémon. "Cousin! The pheasants will sing terror'ed songs of your conquests for two moons! fezed or unfezed." He joked, two mugs of ale down and looking for a third. To add humor to his outlandishness he dropped pretenses for just an instant to introduce the two whom would be his cohorts for the night. "His name's Adrian; he seemed pretty chill." He shrugged without challenge moving further into the crowd before starting back up again.

"SER BARKLEY?!" With speed the Riolu jumped from the ground to a stool to land with grace on the shoulder of the one who called him. He liked to guard from a distance but if Sénon wanted him close by, he would happily keep close by.

● tags: , @utah
● notes:

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,642 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 8:43:03 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




mission: ren faire




"Yup, that's me." Although the search for something stiff to drink was momentarily stymied, he'd been introduced to quite the company.
He could hardly complain, although he still sought to slake his thirst for finer spirits. It'd just have to wait. "And yours is...?"
Senon had only finished introductions halfway.[break][break]

An idle hand sought to race the mane of Destrier with some satisfying scritches, passing away the lingering moments of silence between Senon's outbursts. It was perhaps more amusing than the attempts of fomenting a more realistic interpretation of the renaissance period by faire regulars.[break][break]

Yet equally as cringe worthy, if he was to judge.[break][break]

"We were just going to get more booze. Are you old enough to...?" Not to accuse her, but she came across as rather young from even the most cursory of glances, and he'd afforded himself more than that as she'd rejoined the merry gang that was Senon's band of seasoned drinkers.




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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 19:23:44 GMT
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nice weather for surfing by oilix

utah grinned, reveling in her cousin’s theatrics. she went to hand him the other leg in her hand, having been momentarily distracted. “ya hungry?”

jax hopped about excitedly, next going to sniff the mudbray, laying a lick on its nose. the dog knew no strangers. its tail wagged with such a force that sparks began popping around it.

she smiled warmly at adrian, similarly electric, lowering the food for a moment. “utah!” she responded rather enthusiastically, still chewing for a moment.

when adrian mentioned booze, she immediately began looking around. “yeah yeah, it’s fine.” she responded dismissively. she’d been stealing beers out of her dad's workshop mini-fridge since she was twelve, never having been caught because james could never remember how much he drank on the day to day. it was too easy. of course, nowadays, he'd toss her one towards the end of a day's work. she'd been deemed old enough by his standards.

before senon could put a foot down (not that it would have worked anyways), utah took off in the direction of the closest stube, seeming to have a nose for it beyond her age, even over the smell of smoking meat. her boltund trailed her.

by the time the two found the tent, she’d already be walking their way with three mugs of golden witbier, sloshing a little. generous despite her poverty, she’d spent the last of her money on beer for family and, hopefully, a new friend, having flashed a well-made fake i.d. that she'd had for some time now.

jax stopped at each splash, lapping it off the dirt, muddying his snoot.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 19:58:31 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Utah was a sparkplug.

A Game by any other name was still a Game; but Utah was was in a league of her own.

It seemed a shame she didn't date, loving her talents and skills more than any man or woman. He would have liked to have had some younger cousins running around in about fifteen years. More than anything it would be a shame for her to not pass that mind of hers down to offspring, and her natural blue hair.

Sometimes he felt bad not reaching out more back in Kanto. Now that they lived in the same region he kept her close to his pride and his pastimes and just outside of his plans. What business was to come between himself, the League and any other organization wasn't for her to be a part of.

Taking the bird leg he ate it fast and without manners. He needed it settled in his gut before the drinks started flowing again and being the same Gambler's spawn he was, Utah was gone for mere seconds before coming back with enough drinks for all of them.

He didn't miss the prunefaces Adrian made as he rousted the crowd making a fool of himself though.

Part of him wanted to intensify the shenanigans but he could understand rock and hard place of wanting to hang with someone only for them to reveal how lame they actually were. Seemingly, he owed it the archer to dial it back a bit. Honestly being his first time at this Ren Faire or any one in his adult life, he might have been letting the drinks down him rather than downing the drinks.

Taking from Utah he drank with less abandon than before although his eyes his looked around with the proper filter for mischief. With a mustache of froth he grinned a quiet grin to himself before suddenly banging on a nearby barrel loud enough to grab the attention of the people nearby also getting their vices refilled.

When they looked him, unsure of what he wanted he returned their confused and apprehensive gazes with a focused expression. Then, hopping on the barrel to sit only slightly above the crowd he raised his drink to the air in a cheer and by the time he lowered it, he'd begun to sing.

"He rode through the streets of the city;
Down from his hill on high,"

His singing voice was 'Baritone' reaching down into 'Bass', it was pure vanilla drizzled with maple. He paced the lyrics as if telling a story and setting a tone.

Scanning the crowd for a face that seemed to know the words to the song he sure enough saw a few; Adrian seemingly among them. For some reason from what Sénon could guess, it looked like he really wanted to join in.

"O' er the winds and the steps and the cobble;
He rode to a woman's sigh,"

With a relaxed grin and the crowd starting to buy what he was selling; if no one cut-in in time he would finish the song himself.

● tags: & @utah
● notes: HANDS OF GOLD

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,642 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 1:48:21 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




mission: ren faire




"Eh-." Utah was off before Adrian could say anything of it, and past that he wouldn't think to, hardly fazed by a little misdemeanor. Okay, it was actually a felony, but she wasn't exactly a child. At least not by her age, though her enthusiastic exuberance on the other hand... well, he got an understanding that it must've run in the family. Or these two had rubbed off on each other.[break][break]

When she came back with drinks, it was enough to placate his misgivings, allowing him to relish that crafted hoppy blend without an afterthought. The first swig hit the spot, and he would know being something of a marksman, or at least playing as one. "Thanks, you shouldn't have though." Legal complexities aside, he was not as used to taking freebies from others as he was the reverse.[break][break]

Adrian supposed he'd just have to accept it rather than decline. Between everything occupying his attention, he only just noticed Senon climbing onto a barrel, and after exhausting the novelty of conversation broke out in song. Though familiar to him he hadn't exactly rehearsed it, but it being a popular pick for the more debauched fairegoers, he knew the lyrics as well as anyone might:[break][break]

"For she was his secret treasure[break]
She was his shame and his bliss,"

Adrian's was a silky baritone that stretched into a tenor by sheer force and talent, a shrill note punctuating the vowels he stressed in song, washing over the syllables with a deft tongue and immaculate sense for tempo. At first his voice had been stifled, expecting his companion to continue singing, but when he shrank away from the first half of the second verse, his pitch rose to singlehandedly command their attention and prompt Senon to add his voice.[break][break]

"And a chain and a keep are nothing[break]
Compared to a woman's kiss.~"

Stealing the chance at a breath, he braced for the third verse.




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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 7:35:07 GMT
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sugar by dirty art club

utah bent a little as they took the mugs, as though she was bracing to catch one somehow should it drop. she gauged senon’s level by the quickness of his consumption, knowing fun things were imminent.

she grinned mischievously at adrian and gave him a wink, waving a hand as though to dismiss his manners. “just get me back some time.”

she turned to her cousin climbing the barrel and causing a scene, along with the immediate crowd that quickly turned into an audience as he broke into song. utah swayed appreciatively, cupping her beer in both hands and beaming. she enjoyed senon’s voice, having heard it plenty before.

she was surprised to hear the loveliness of adrian’s voice complimenting her cousin’s. her jaw hung open in a bit of shock momentarily, still curled up at the edges and then she sipped her beer. her eyes lingered a bit more intently than she realized, feeling the warmth of the alcohol in her cheeks.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 18:40:14 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He tried to steal a sip of his brew as the end of the first verse came and just when he thought he wouldn't have the time, Adrian took over for him with not only a better voice, but a better ability to use it. To know he had such a natural talent shaded him in a new light and it helped that he knew the song so they transitioned seamlessly.

As the crowd shifted their eyes to the archer Sénon raised a glass to him with a troublemaker's smile after taking down a big swig.

Close by Utah watched their impromptu performance. He was bit surprised she didn't know the song but since he didn't know how to fly a helicopter, he considered them even.

The whistles rang out and the smiles formed on faces he didn't know there was certain swelling in the air and when the chorus came around the voices of the two men were joined by the voices of many more.

"For hands of gold, are always cold
But a woman's hands, are warm
For hands of gold, are always cold
But a woman's hands are warm~"

With a double tap to the side of the barrel he sat on Sénon's voice cut through the air before the reprisal came around. "Sing it if you know it, eh!" and sure enough even more voice joined in as they all stressed the same vowels together in the second run.

"For hands of gold, are always cold
But a woman's hands, are warm~

For hands of gold, are always cold
But a woman's hands, are warm~"

The gathering exploded in cheers and laughter, 'hoot's and 'ay's as everyone raised their glasses and embraced the good time that gripped them all.

● tags: , @utah
● notes: HANDS OF GOLD

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 11:52:29 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

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mission: ren faire




Before long they had gathered a crowd, whiling away the evening hours with drink and song, enjoying fine spirits and finer company. As the song trailed on Adrian couldn't help but begin to feel winded, allowing his voice to die down into the crowd, affording himself a breather. Dipping his stein back while breathing through his nose, Adrian began to feel lightheaded and rather peckish. Thankfully the song had just about ended, or been taken over by the crowd as to not require their continued performance.[break][break]

"So, what brings you to Hoenn? Work?" He hadn't already asked, had he? Adrian was already quick to forget even off the drink, but being influenced only made him progressively more airheaded and nirvanic. But he was nothing if not curious, or he wouldn't have asked once, let alone possibly twice. Allowing his mug to rest at his side, alleviating the dull ache of his elbow as the blood flow had been stymied, Adrian rested his eyes upon Senon expectantly.[break][break]

"Do either of you plan on taking the League Challenge?" Such a question seemed almost compulsory when considering they were all pokemon trainers after a fashion. In fact if they answered anything less than the anticipated affirmative, he might've been disappointed.




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2020 6:38:12 GMT
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even as the crowd picked up in song around them, utah continued to sip her beer through a wide smile, not knowing the words, but too unabashed by nature to feel like the odd woman out. she took the opportunity to finish off the bird leg in her hand, and then raised her stein with the rest of them when the song was finished, hooting and hollering.

when the crowd began to disperse, utah took a large swig of beer and then, without warning, wound her arm back to chuck the stripped bone over heads as far as she could. it hurtled through the air, threatening to land on some poor fare goer’s head as it descended.

her boltund was after it before it had even left her fingers, in a streak of yellow. he parted the waves of people like moses on four legs and eight red bulls, in such a blur that one could scarcely determine just what kind of demon he was.

people shrieked. utah cackled at her handiwork.

having taken off in its trajectory at the beginning of adrian’s question, jax was back before he’d taken his following breath. utah left senon to answer, knowing it was for him, with his weird kantonian accent. she scratched the happy boltund's head, who drooled around his catch, looking crazy-eyed.

when a second question was then posed at both of them, she considered it. “maybe! i always have lots of work to do at home...” really, the girl worked too hard for someone her age, and always had. her newly freed hand went up to scratch her head. “one day i’ll have time to be as cool as this guy.” she slapped her cousin on the back, with a grin that didn’t hint at the underlying exhaustion and sadness that even she wasn’t quite aware of.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 5:29:28 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He'd settled in quite nicely, quieting down with his drink after the rousting singing had died down. He'd long since finished his ale and moved on to apple juice. An appropriate time to get to know one another beyond the medieval banter and manufactured personas. It was a touchy subject to speak about home. He could have went back to Kanto if he wanted, but there was no life for him there. Somewhere in the recesses of his dark thoughts he considered going home and what it'd cost him to take it back.

Team Rocket didn't exist anymore, allegedly, but someone was in control over there the way crime ran unabated. "Well, Kanto isn't what it used to be. My hometown is more or less, covered in soot and magma. As much as I enjoy Johto; all my family is here now."

With the night quieting down the crowds were thinning out, some of the booths were already closed. Still sitting with Adrian and Utah their musings steered over to something they all had in common, pokémon training. With the task in the air of taking the league challenge Sénon itched at the idea of running that gamut again.

He'd never been able to beat Kanto's Elite Four but he'd wiped the Eight Gym Leaders with proper time invested. "I think I will, when I'm ready." His team was still young and the nature of league battles and the diversity of pokémon had changed since the last time he'd battled on the path to become Champion.

It was funny to hear Utah imply she might try to become Champion one day, as if anything would clip her metallic wings. Despite his doubts that was "League Champion material" her unlimited pluck and grit meant she would make for a one hell of Gym Leader.

With his two companions he sat merrily enough and clanked drinks together in a toast to the night, making a passing promise they would do this again sooner than later.

● tags: , @utah
● notes:

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,642 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 13:37:33 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

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mission: ren faire




Kanto, huh? That's awfully heavy... Considering their jubilee this evening, he wouldn't have suspected this of Senon. And yet it bore a striking resemblance to his own plights and subsequent coping mechanisms, though he was too proud to admit that much, keeping his musings to himself.[break][break]

Adrian couldn't get the best read on whether they were the ambitious sort or not, or whether they were tempering their dreams with a healthy amount of pragmatism "Well, let me know if you ever need practice. I'm always ready for a battle." Although Adrian had been forced to reel in his own expectations, that dream was still his one and only. Too bad it wasn't going to be putting any food on the table, or paying the bills. Music would just have to be his crutch.[break][break]

"Here, put your number in my phone," he shoved his cell into Senon's hands, tapping a foot and drumming his fingers impatiently. "It pays to know people. So don't be a stickler and put some phony number." Furling his brow and narrowing his eyes on Senon, he wondered why he seemed so suspicious of them suddenly. Perhaps he was just familiar with enough flakes and fringes to worry about that sort of thing in the newly acquainted.[break][break]

"And you too," Adrian rounded on Utah once the phone was returned to him, opening up another New Contact profile for her to fill out. At his flank Destrier, his Mudbray, was beginning to chew on the leather of his outfit. Swatting them away with fast flying swipe, Adrian plucked his phone back from them after they'd complied, slipping it back into his pocket before managing a faint grin.[break][break]

"And don't be strangers. Call me if ya need help with somethin'." His tone was genuine.


, @utah


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Game of Throws | № 001 (M)
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 20:47:53 GMT
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utah was all too aware of senon’s past plights in kanto. it was a sad story—so much so, that she often found she didn’t have the right words to draw him out of it, and instead would try to distract him with something fun. with someone else involved, asking, she refrained from interrupting, instead opting to distract herself for the sake of maintaining her smile. her hands found her dog and she ruffled the hair on his head.

she grinned at adrian. “hey, we’re up for a battle some time, just so ya know!” the boltund then confirmed with a bark.

it had gotten late by that time, and utah looked up at senon with a look that read ‘i’ve found you and you’re stuck with me now’. they hadn’t arrived together, but he would not be leaving alone, or with whatever ren-faire harlot his good hair managed to reel in. she grinned at him and raised what was left in her mug.

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